Sivan 5783 (May 21, 2023)

Welcome to my newsletter! This is the first-ever edition, so here goes nothing!

This month, Rosh Chodesh Sivan falls on my birthday in the Gregorian calendar. As I turn 25, I'm moving away from Nashville. I've lived in Nashville for the past two years and it's been my first adult home. I'm sad to be leaving my job and students at Vanderbilt Hillel, but I'm also excited to move into the next stage of my life as a Rabbinical student in Philadelphia! 

During Sivan, I will also start at Eden Village Camp as the Keter Tribe Leader (8th grade)! I'm super excited to be back at camp, and to spend some screen-free time. Don't worry though, with the magic of Meta Business I've prescheduled content all summer long.

Here's a Sivan prompt to think/write/draw/meditate about:

Sivan Prompt

Sivan is the ninth month of the civil year and the third month of the Jewish religious year on the Hebrew calendar, and is characterized largely by Shavuot which falls on the sixth day of the month. Shavuot is when the Jewish people received Torah, and it's traditional to read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot. The Book of Ruth tells the story of two strong women, Naomi and Ruth, and is famous for including this oath:

Wherever you go, I will go. Wherever you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your G!d my G!d. Where you die, I will die; and there will I be buried. 

Ruth 1:16

These words signify Ruth's conversion to Judaism, and have since been used in traditional wedding vows. 

What does this oath evoke for you? What or who are you this dedicated to?