Why You're Not The "Modern Maccabees"

& Why You Shouldn't Want To Be

The Maccabean Revolt, often simplified as a fight for religious freedom, is a nuanced historical event with multifaceted motivations.

The Maccabee’s resistance was characterized by a zealot-like commitment to preserving specific Jewish religious and cultural traditions.

The Maccabean Revolt was a complex resistance against cultural assimilation and political subjugation, showcasing the intricate interplay of religious, cultural, & political motives.

“But, Modern Israel is essentially also Maccabees because...”

Sure, except...

“But, modern Palestinians are essentially also Maccabees because...”

Sure, except...

Reasons why you don’t want to be a “Modern Maccabee”:

While we may find parallels between the Maccabees' historical struggle for autonomy and the contemporary aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians for self-determination and statehood, and we can empathize with the historical defense of cultural and religious identity, as exemplified by the Maccabees, recognizing the importance of preserving cultural heritage in the conflict, that doesn’t give us license to excuse or ignore the parts of their story that don’t line up with our morals.