Heshvan // חֶשְׁוָן

About Heshvan

Heshvan is the second month of the civil year (which starts on 1 Tishrei), and the eighth month of the ecclesiastical year (which starts on 1 Nisan) on the Hebrew calendar.

Heshvan is often referred to as mar Heshvan, “bitter” Heshvan, because the month contains no traditional ashkenazi, misrachi, or sefardi holy days, and because it often coincides with the arrival of colder weather. 

According to a midrash (a story that interprets the Torah), more rain falls in “watery Heshvan” since it marks the beginning of the great flood during the time of Noah. We can also think of Heshvan as a quiet time to reap the benefits of the spiritual growth of the preceding month of Tishrei.

Holidays in Heshvan

Heshvan History

circa 2105 BCE

Methuselah (Noah's Grandfather) dies at age 969

circa 1553 BCE

Death of Rachel Imenu while giving birth to Benjamin

circa 960 BCE

The First Temple in Jerusalem was completed by King Solomon

165 BCE

Death of Matityahu (Mattathias), who began the Maccabean (Hanukkah!)


Jewish nationalists defeat the Romans at the famous Beth Horon Pass, killing 5,300 footmen and 380 horsemen


Death of RAMBAN (Nachmanides) Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman


Death of Jewish Sephardic poet Emma Lazarus who wrote "The New Colossus"


Yitzchak Shamir Prime Minister of Israel is born


Balfour Declaration - British Gov’t Agreed to Jewish Homeland




Death of Author, Zionist, and war hero Hannah Senesh


Death of Jewish Author Anzia Yezierska, who wrote "The Breadgivers" among other works


 Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin; now a national memorial day in Israel


Deadly Shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. The deadliest attack on Jews in American History.

Heshvan Zodiac

The mazal (zodiac) of this month is עַקְרָב / akrav (scorpio). The sages say that this is appropriate for a month that follows the judgment of the previous month, Tishrei, which has the sign of libra (scales). Those who fell short in judgment now experience the stinging results of their misdeeds.