Jews & Greek Life

Jews in Early Greek Life

The history of Jews in Greek life is complex and multifaceted. Greek life, or the system of fraternities and sororities that exist on college campuses across the United States, date back to the early 19th century. However, the participation of Jews in Greek life has not always been straightforward, and there have been many challenges and obstacles that Jewish students have had to overcome in order to fully participate in these organizations.

One of the earliest challenges that Jewish students faced in Greek life was discrimination and exclusion. In the early days of Greek life, many fraternities and sororities had explicit policies that prohibited the admission of Jewish students. This was often based on anti-Semitic beliefs and stereotypes. Jewish students who wanted to participate in Greek life had to either find organizations that were more accepting or form their own Jewish fraternities and sororities.

Jewish Social Srats



Jews in Greek Life Today

Today, Jewish students are an integral part of Greek life. Many Jewish students choose to join non-Jewish fraternities and sororities, while others choose to join Jewish organizations. There are also many organizations that are specifically designed to promote interfaith dialogue and understanding between Jewish and non-Jewish students.

The history of Jews in Greek life is a complex and nuanced one that reflects the broader history of discrimination and exclusion that Jewish people have faced in the United States. However, despite these challenges, Jewish students have persevered and have become an integral part of Greek life on many college campuses. Today, there are many opportunities for Jewish students to participate in Greek life, and there are many organizations that are working to promote understanding and inclusivity between Jewish and non-Jewish students.

Shared Values:


One of the key values of Judaism is the importance of education. Jewish people have a long tradition of scholarship and intellectualism, and this value is reflected in the emphasis that is placed on education within the religion. 

Similarly, college Greek organizations also place a high value on education, with many members striving to achieve academic excellence and GPA requirements for membership.


Another value that is shared by both Judaism and college Greek organizations is the importance of community. Jewish people have a strong sense of community, and this is reflected in the way that they support one another and work together to achieve common goals. There is also a strong sense of community over time and passing tradition between generations.

Similarly, Greek organizations are known for their strong sense of brotherhood or sisterhood, and members often form lifelong bonds with one another. The Big/Little system is a great example of how Greek organizations pass down their own unique traditions.


Both Judaism and college Greek organizations also place a strong emphasis on philanthropy and social justice. Jewish people have a long tradition of giving to charity and working to improve the lives of others, and this value is reflected in the many philanthropic activities that are undertaken by college Greek organizations. These organizations often raise money for  charities and participate in volunteer work to help those in need.