Av 5783 (July 19, 2023)

Chodesh tov! This month in the Hebrew calendar is called Av. Av is known largely for Tisha B'Av (literally the 9th day of Av) which is Judaism's day of communal mourning.  

Av is my final month at Eden Village Camp, where I've been since late Sivan (mid-June). Don't worry though, with the magic of Meta Business I've prescheduled content all summer long.

Here's an Av prompt to think/write/draw/meditate about:

Av Prompt

Last year, I prayed at the Kotel for Rosh Chodesh Av, the new Hebrew month of Av. Av is a strange month in that it begins with mourning. The first nine days of Av are dedicated to mourning rituals, all leading up to Tisha B’Av. Tisha B’Av is the day when we bemoan all the bad things that have happened to Jews over the course of our long history. We pray for Jerusalem to one day be a Jewish city again. But... Jerusalem has been a (at least partially) Jewish city for almost 50 years now. Why are we still praying for its return?

Perhaps we’re not praying for a literal return to the realities of the kingdom of Judea and the time of the Temples. Instead, we are looking for something we have lodged in our collective imaginations. We’re longing for a world where we can practice our Judaism, live in community, and feel safe. 

Read the rest of my article here.

When have you felt safe and welcome in the Jewish community? When have you not? What can you do to make our community more welcoming to all?