Pesach and the Shoah

"I love Passover because for me it is a cry against indifference, a cry for compassion." 

        —Elie Wiesel

Passover is the Jewish holiday celebrating our liberation and freedom as Jewish people. It has been celebrated for millennia, in good times and in bad. Perhaps the most striking example of captivity in the Jewish collective memory recently  is the Shoah, which begs the question...

How did Jews during and after the Shoah* celebrate Passover?

*Shoah is the Hebrew word for “catastrophe”. This term specifically refers to the killing of nearly six million Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during the Holocaust.

Pre-War Europe

Pictured to the right are three images from the Yad Vashem archive of families in pre-war Poland and Ukraine observing Pesach.

In the Ghetto

"My town of Piotrkow, Poland, became the first Nazi ghetto. By Passover 1940, we had been under German occupation for six months. Before the occupation, winter clothing was cleaned, and bedding aired in the sunlight. Families that used straw mattresses renewed the straw. Many homeowners made their own Passover wine from raisins, and glassmakers peddled their bottles door to door. Even under occupation, the Piotrkow bakers cleaned their ovens, covered the surfaces and began making matzah. It didn’t occur to the Jews of Piotrkow that the holiday wouldn’t be celebrated. Just the opposite. In the physical and psychological suffering of the ghetto, the week when we celebrated our deliverance from Egypt as slaves, there was still a symbol of hope.”

– Rena Quint, A Daughter of Many Mothers

In Work Camps

The conditions within the Vaihingen Concentration Camp were horrific, especially during that dreadful winter of 1944-1945.The Jews living within this Nazis concentration camp were imported from the Radom Ghetto in Poland in order to engage in slave labor for 12 hour shifts, without a break.They built armaments, dug tunnels for bomb shelters, and performed many other highly physical tasks for the Nazis, who sought to bring their armaments manufacturing underground due to intense Allied bombing. The sub human conditions and treatment of prisoners caused Vaihingen Concentration Camp to haveone of the highest mortality rates of all of the Nazis concentration camps.In the beginning, only Jews lived in this Nazis concentration camp, yet later on, French and German prisoners were sent there as well. Towards the end of the war, the Vaihingen Concentration Camp was where sick and dying people were sent. However, despite all of these afflictions that the Jews of the Vaihingen Concentration Camp suffered,they still managed to celebrate the Passover Seder.

They were determined to preserve the traditions of their ancestors, despite the fact that doing so was risky business in a Nazis concentration camp. One camp resident, Moshe Perl, whose testimony is preserved in Inferno and Vengeance, asserted: “The people in the camp were already used to their miserable situation. They saw death before their eyes. But they were not willing to eat chametz on Passover.” Yet he asked, “Where could be get flour and potatoes and how could we bake matza?”

Perl managed to find an innovative solution, however. Perl asserted, “Shortly before Passover, one of the SS men in the camp entered my workshop, where I painted signs. He asked me to make dummy targets for target practice. Just then, an idea flashed through my mind—I could suggest making big targets with wooden frames and covering them with paper bags, which were available in abundance in the camp storehouse. I claimed that I would need flour, lots of flour, to paste the pictures of soldiers on the targets. He asked how much flour. I said I would need five kilograms. He liked my suggestion and immediately gave me an appropriate referral.”

The Jews of the Vaihingen Concentration went to work baking the matza in secret, even though they knew that they would die if they were caught.Perl proclaimed, “Throughout the camp, we organized wooden beams. We found a wheel among my work tools with which to perform the matza and our matza-baking entered into high gear. We collected glass bottles, washed them well, cleaned the upside down table with the fragments and kneaded the dough. We baked the matza in the oven in my work room, keeping the door and windows hermetically sealed. Our problem was how to hide the matza we managed to bate at such great risk. We found a solution to the problem. We hid it under the shingles of our workshop roof.”

When the night of the Seder came, twenty Jews who lived in the Vaihingen Concentration Camp managed to pull off a Seder, where aside from the matza they ate potatoes and drank homemade wine which consisted of water and sugar. They even managed to read the Hagaddah. Right before the Allied invasion, many of these prisoners were sent on a death march to the Dachou Concentration Camp. But for the prisoners who remained to see the Allied liberation, 92 of them would die soon afterwards due to the various illnesses that they suffered because of the atrocious humanitarian conditions within the camp. Yet, while the Nazis may have succeeded to destroy many Jewish lives within the Vaihingen Concentration Camp,they failed to destroy their Jewish souls and break their will to do the Passover Seder.

By Rachel Avraham

In Auschwitz

In Auschwitz, Jews were miraculously able to steal a meager amount of flour to make Matzah. However, it was not enough to allow everyone a bite. They decided that only those who vowed not to eat Chametz all Pesach would be given a portion of the Matzah.

And so, a minyan of men (10 men) "survived on a half matzo and water each for the entire week of Pesach, working, standing in endless lines of appels and retreating at night to sleep on crowded planks in the stinking holes of Auschwitz’s barracks. There were those who ate their share within the first two days of the week. Others let it last until the end of the seventh day, when the man they considered their Rav entreated them to stop their fast. As the eighth day of Pesach was only added to the holiday for those outside the Land of Israel and not commanded directly by the Torah, in light of the serious risk of starvation, they were told that they should commence eating the camp’s food immediately."

Read the rest of the story at: 

After the Holocaust

In the waning days of the Holocaust, survivors created A Survivor’s Haggadah, a remarkable illustrated Haggadah anticipating the first Passover after liberation from the Nazis. In this Haggadah, the traditional Passover liturgy, presenting the story of the Israelites’ liberation from Pharaoh in Egypt, was interwoven with the story of the Holocaust, and of the Jews who survived Hitler. The Survivor’s Haggadah, compiled by Yosef Dov Shenison, and decorated with poignant woodcuts created by fellow-survivor Miklos Adler, was reissued by the Jewish Publication Society in 2000. The Wolloch Haggadah in Memory of the Holocaust, published in Haifa in 1988, juxtaposes images from the Holocaust with the text of the traditional Haggadah, thereby linking the memory of the destruction of European Jewry with that of the Israelites’ enslavement and emancipation from Egypt.
