Adar // אֲדָר

About Adar

Adar is the sixth month of the civil year and the twelfth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar.

Adar comes around the same time as the secular month of March, in the spring!

Because falls in Adar II, Adar II is the happiest, most joyous month of the Hebrew calendar. Its motto is Mi-shenikhnas adar marbim be-simcha or “When Adar arrives, joy increases.” Tradition teaches that Adar is so full of joy that it is as if Adar were pregnant with happiness. Indeed, on leap years we need two Adars to contain all the joy of Adar.

Holidays in Adar

Adar History

circa 1393 BCE

Birth of Moshe Rabbenu

circa 1312 BCE

Mishkan assembled for the first time

circa 1273 BCE

Death of Moshe Rabbenu

598 BCE

Jerusalem falls to Nebuchadnezzar, beginning the Babylonian captivity.

515 BCE

Second Temple completed

474 BCE

The Purim Victory!

161 BCE

Yom Nicanor – The Maccabees defeated Greek Syrian general Nicanor.

1st Century

Academic dissension between Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai erupted into a violent and destructive conflict over a vote on 18 legal matters leading to the death of 3,000 students. 

Circa 21

King Agrippa I began construction of a gate for the wall of Jerusalem.

1164 (or 1167?)

Death of Ibn Ezra.


Maharam's (one of the tosafot) body ransomed 14 years after his death by Alexander ben Shlomo (Susskind) Wimpfen.


The Jews of Cairo were saved from the plot of Ahmad Pasha.


'Purim Vinz': downfall of Vinzenz Fettmilch and triumphant return of the Jews of Frankfurt under Imperial protection.


The Blood Libel, the accusation that Jews murdered Christian children for their blood, declared false by Czar Alexander I. Nevertheless, nearly a hundred years later the accusation was officially leveled against Mendel Beilis in Kyiv.


Death of Josef Stalin; brings to a stop the Doctors' Plot

Adar Zodiac

The mazal for Adar is Pisces, dagim / דָּגִים (fish). Jews have been compared to fish swimming in an ocean of Torah. In Adar, we splash happily in one of the most joyous stories of the Bible, the story of Purim.