Av // אָב

About Av

Av is the eleventh month of the civil year and the fifth month of the Jewish religious year on the Hebrew calendar.

Av comes at the same time as the secular months July/August.

The prophet Isaiah named the Temple “Ariel,” which is related to aryeh. The Temple, like a lion, was majestic and awe-inspiring.

In Hebrew, Av is spelled aleph-bet, the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. There is a vast amount of folklore about each of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Av commemorates the destruction of the Temple, the end of an era of Jewish life. It is also taught that the Messiah, who will usher in a new era in Jewish life, will be born in Av. In Av our mourning turns to celebration as we move from the sadness of losing the past to the hope of a brighter future. We begin our journey towards the messianic age—a time when the world will be perfect—with small steps towards tikkun olam. According to Jewish mysticism, the world is in a broken state. Humanity's job is to join G!d, as G!d's partners, in its repair, just as we begin our Jewish journey by learning the aleph-bet.

Holidays in Av

Av History

circa 1273 BCE

Death of high priest Aaron.

586 BCE

First Temple invaded by King Nebuchadnezzar.

513 BCE

Ezra and his followers arrive in Israel.


Civil war breaks out in besieged Jerusalem; one group set fire to the city's food stores, which is said to have quickened starvation.


The Holy Temple is set on fire, burnt, and destroyed.


Fall of Betar to the Romans, ending Bar Kochba's rebellion.


Disputation of Barcelona between Nachmanides and Pablo Christiani.


Jews are expelled from England by King Edward I and not permitted to legally return for 350 years.


Jews of Spain expelled by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.


67 Jews are killed in the Hebron Massacre

Av Zodiac

The mazal (Zodiac) for Av is Leo, the aryeh (lion).